Brochures and Books

Brochures and Books

Some brochures show the inside if you move your mouse over it or click it.

Camp CME Brochure FrontCamp CME Brochure Back
Camp CME - A leadership retreat for CME Professionals - Brochure
PJCC - A look back, book - coverPJCC - A look back, book - page 14
PJCC - A look back, book - page 16PJCC - A look back, book - page 30
Electrophysiology in the west 2019 brochure cover
Life Chiropractic West - The Wave - Optimal Potential - Program Booklet outsideLife Chiropractic West - The Wave - Optimal Potential - Program Booklet inside
PJCC - The Pink Ribbon Program Brochure - CoverPJCC - The Pink Ribbon Program Brochure - Inside
PJCC - Preschool Brochure - outsidePJCC - Preschool Brochure - inside 2
PJCC - Preschool Brochure - inside 2PJCC - Preschool Brochure - inside 3
PJCC - Sacred Wholeness Brochure - outsidePJCC - Sacred Wholeness Brochure - inside
Electrophysiology in the west 2019 brochure outsideElectrophysiology in the west 2019 brochure inside
Brochures and Books2023-05-01T18:41:07-07:00


At the PJCC, I was responsible for creating the monthly postcards that would be mailed out to acquire new gym memberships. It was always important to show diversity, positive vibes, and people striving to achieve a healthy lifestyle. The goal of the postcard was to inspire the potential member to call or walk in to the center.

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